Article archive
16/10/2016 22:25
Do you want to learn more about EORI system?
Take official e-learning course of EU on EORI issues. Find more here.
E-learning course was developed by the EC under the program "Customs 2013" for economic operators and customs officials in the EU to introduce registration of the operator and identification (EORI). Training was developed...
16/10/2016 14:43
EORI o IVA verificación
Este sitio proporciona acceso a la información relacionada a los operadores económicos Sistema de identificación y registro (EORI).
Validación del número EORI - AQUÍ
Número de identificación fiscal. Con la solicitud, se puede comprobar si la persona se ha registrado (por ejemplo, un socio...
16/10/2016 14:12
Проверьте EORI или номер НДС ЕС (VAT EU)
Этот сайт обеспечивает доступ к информации, связанной с экономическими операторами идентификации и регистрации системы (EORI).
Проверка достоверности номера EORI - ЗДЕСЬ
Идентификационный номер плательщика НДС. При помощи запроса можно проверить, зарегистрировано ли лицо (например,...
15/10/2016 12:24
EORI number validation
You can validate your EORI number online at official EU website here.
15/10/2016 09:22
EU VAT number verification
You can try validation of VAT No. at official EU website here.
INSTRUCTIONS: Insert a country code and the VAT number you intend to verify.
16/12/2010 18:26
China and Hong Kong visits increasing
This web is more and more visited from Hong Kong and China, as our statistics show. In December, visits from Hong Kong jumped on the second position behind USA on 1st and Russia on 3d place. China visits are 4th. Following countries are: Italy, Japan, France, Switzerland, Taiwan and others. Focus...
06/11/2010 13:58
Information about EU VAT number
Now you can find here information about european VAT system and VAT number verification.
20/10/2010 21:56
Advertise here
In case of interest we will send to you our proposal for advertisment fees. The pages are mostly visited by importers to EU from USA and Russia.
danglers (at)
16/10/2010 20:25
Information for non-EU importers
Economic operators established outside the EU have to be assigned an EORI number if they lodge a customs declaration, an Entry or an Exit Summary Declaration. AEO applicants in particular need to have an EORI number that they must enter in box 9 of the AEO application form (see also the ...